Monday, May 8, 2017

Hope Unfolding: Grace-Filled Truth for the Momma's Heart

Hope Unfolding: Grace-Filled Truth for the Momma's HeartGod’s love, plans, and promises for you are forever unfolding. I get it, Momma. I totally get it.  Every day you wake up and try your very best. You love, give, and pour out your life for the ones who call you Momma. But no matter how much you offer, there are still days you feel as though you come up short. You worry, Am I loving these babies enough? Is this ever going to get easier? Why does it seem like I am the only one who cannot balance it all? Sometimes, we just need hope (and maybe a long uninterrupted nap). We need someone to help tune our hearts to the voice of the Father and to remind us that He has not forgotten about us. In Hope Unfolding, Becky Thompson is a friend who reminds you that you aren’t alone, and that God is still writing your story. She guides you to encounter the Truth of God’s presence that not only fuels you with strength, but also a fresh confidence. And beyond gaining faith that tomorrow could be different, you find hope and purpose where you are standing today.

This book has been on my shelf for a while and I've just kept skipping over it.  Oh, how I regret that!  I could have benefited from reading awhile ago, but so glad I finally picked it up.  The other just had an honest way of relating to each chapter and I just felt myself in each area.  I loved the stories mixed with God's word.  It was very easy to understand, yet challenged me on many levels.  I believe this author has another book available and I hope to get my hands on it soon.  As a side note, the cover of this book is beautiful!

  * I received this book from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review *

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