Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Story of Arthur Truluv

The Story of Arthur Truluv (Arthur Truluv, #1) 
A beautiful, life-affirming novel about a remarkably loving man who creates for himself and others second chances at happiness.

A moving novel about three people who find their way back from loss and loneliness to a different kind of happiness. Arthur, a widow, meets Maddy, a troubled teenage girl who is avoiding school by hiding out at the cemetery, where Arthur goes every day for lunch to have imaginary conversations with his late wife, and think about the lives of others. The two strike up a friendship that draws them out of isolation. Maddy gives Arthur the name Truluv, for his loving and positive responses to every outrageous thing she says or does. With Arthur’s nosy neighbor Lucille, they create a loving and unconventional family, proving that life’s most precious moments are sweeter when shared.

Before I had kids, I worked at a local senior center and I absolutely adored it!  I enjoy spending time with senior adults, especially the men, because sometimes they feel forgotten, while I think they have a lot of wisdom to offer.  I am always on the hunt for books that captures the heart of the older generation.  I had heard of Elizabeth Berg before, but had not read anything by her so when I saw this I wanted to give it a go.  It was a joy to read this book!  I think so many young people could benefit from looking to senior adults for guidance and direction.  I loved seeing the relationship develop between Arthur and Maddy.  It was so sweet to see a little "family" grow from these 3 unlikely friends.  The book tackled tough issues with a lot of heart, which was a welcome change from some of the heavy books I've been reading.  

          * I received this book from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review *

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